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Care instructions


Wipe the saddle down with a soft damp cloth after every use.

Your new saddle has been pre-conditioned with an initial oiling, so you don’t need to oil the saddle again for a few months depending on the amount of use. Oil should be used sparingly; do not over saturate the leather with oil, and never apply oil to suede.

Hidalgo Chicago leather tree dressage saddle Australia.png


Nappa and smooth leather can be cleaned with Oakwood (or other suitable) saddle soap when necessary. Conditioning can be done with leather conditioner when necessary, but use it sparingly. Do not use oil too often.

Leather wipes are great too for a quick in-between clean.

If the leather gets wet from rain, dry away from direct heat and sun.

For light coloured leather: if you wish to keep the lighter colour, do not use oil. Use a cream based product instead.


Protect the suede with a water-repellent/stain resisting spray before first use.

Use a suede brush regularly to remove dust, dirt and to refresh the nap, but don’t brush too hard to avoid damage. Using a suede brush regularly will help stop the suede going “slick” and shiny.

You can use a suede cleaner in conjunction with the suede brush (available from several outlets such as Oakwood, RM Williams, etc.). Do not use saddle soap or any other cleaning products on the suede.

If the suede gets wet from rain, make sure the saddle dries away from direct heat and sunlight. Use the suede brush once the saddle is completely dry to revive the nap.


Aniline leather (used in Chicago and Roma saddles) is grippy and luxurious, and it’s also more delicate. To clean it, only use a soft cloth with leather cleaner on it/leather wipes,  and don’t scrub excessively. Don’t allow dirt to build up as it can cause scratches and damage to the leather. Avoid silicone breeches (and decorated back pockets)! You don't need them anyway as the leather sticks you to the saddle, and it may damage the seat. Use leather conditioner in preference of oil.

For extra protection on English saddles, run the stirrup leathers under the flap to avoid the common rub marks. 

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